Hey Everyone!
Okay so basicially some of you noticed ive sarted to write some harsh reviews, dont get mad ill explain.
Okay so first off im not going to lie, half of the stuff that comes nto the Hip-Hop section of newgrounds is garbage. It may have potential but how long is it going to stay in that state of having potential till you get better and actually do something about it? (See what im saying?)
We all need to work together as a family and help eachother get better, ive helped like 30 peopl since ive signed up to this site (Maybe more) and that was all just in the last year or so.
Help people by giving them useful reviews on how they can improve their music. If you do it this way no one would care about votes and downvote because reviews are all that would count.
Heres an example:
Bad Review:
Good Review:
Wow man, this was a really great song, i liked how you used the pizzicato everytime the kick it.
It really added an extra thump to the bass. Next try some lower octaves on the pizzicato so it sounds deeper.
See what im saying guys?
Help eachother out!
Like its not enough we have half of Newgrounds hating on us LOL
If you think this is a good or bad idea post reply and also if you need some help just post here and i can find someone to help you if i dont help you myself.
Keep doing what you guys do.