I LOVE MY FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Age 34, Male

Canada & Greece

Joined on 3/12/06

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Greeksta-69's News

Posted by Greeksta-69 - July 3rd, 2008

I use FL Studio 8 and i make mostly Hip-Hop

I have explored other genres aswell such as Classical, Drum & Bass, Trance, Glitch or whatever you wanna call it, Rave and even some Death Metal 0_0 LOL

Yes, so get at me, i would love to collab with anyone really.

If your'e more experienced then the better!

Audio Collab Anyone?

Posted by Greeksta-69 - May 2nd, 2008

I'm looking for some inspiration and i'm sure alot of you reading this are too.

If you hvae FL Studio 7 or Reason 4 then post here if you're interested in collabing with me.
I am willing to do just about any genre but i am most interested in Hip-Hop.

You can check my profile for previous songs.

Thank you for your time.

My email is Greeksta_69@hotmail.com

My myspace is MySpace.com/VirtueProductions


Posted by Greeksta-69 - January 19th, 2008

Im busy.

I have a life.

Sorry if the music's not flowing in right now guys but ive been dealing with alot of shit.
Not to mentions im gonna be so busy studing for exams the next 2 weeks.

Hopefully ill come back with a BANGER!

Much love guys.
Danny aka Greeksta aka Virtue.

Posted by Greeksta-69 - December 6th, 2007

Okay so ive been making Hip-Hop insturmentals for around 2 years now and im interested in working with some artists that would like to use my beats. Im trying to get better at mixing vocals with the beat and getting a professional sound from it. If your interested please post here.

Be warned:

If you have little or no talent dont bother posting here...
If you have no flow I cant help you...
If you think you have somewhat descent skills then i will definatly consider helping you in producing some tracks.

Basicially after all this i hope to be better at producing a track entirley (Beat and Vocals)
We can both benifit from this because I will be posting the tracks on newgrounds, myspace etc. and you will be heard by hundreds of people, and if you post it on your page maybe someone will know i made the beat.

If you would like to send me a sample of yourself email me at Greeksta_69@hotmail.com or add me to msn.



Posted by Greeksta-69 - October 31st, 2007

Hey Everyone!

Okay so basicially some of you noticed ive sarted to write some harsh reviews, dont get mad ill explain.

Okay so first off im not going to lie, half of the stuff that comes nto the Hip-Hop section of newgrounds is garbage. It may have potential but how long is it going to stay in that state of having potential till you get better and actually do something about it? (See what im saying?)

We all need to work together as a family and help eachother get better, ive helped like 30 peopl since ive signed up to this site (Maybe more) and that was all just in the last year or so.

Help people by giving them useful reviews on how they can improve their music. If you do it this way no one would care about votes and downvote because reviews are all that would count.

Heres an example:
Bad Review:
Good Review:
Wow man, this was a really great song, i liked how you used the pizzicato everytime the kick it.
It really added an extra thump to the bass. Next try some lower octaves on the pizzicato so it sounds deeper.
See what im saying guys?
Help eachother out!
Like its not enough we have half of Newgrounds hating on us LOL

If you think this is a good or bad idea post reply and also if you need some help just post here and i can find someone to help you if i dont help you myself.

Keep doing what you guys do.

Posted by Greeksta-69 - October 26th, 2007

I finally got my inspiration back yesterday. Im pretty sure it was due to lack of commercial music. I havent even listened to a full song on the radio for like YEAR...
Yeah kinda sad, i gues i was too into making my own music, but i realize that others inspre me and im sure i inspire others too.
Thanks for reading and if you have any comments please share :)

Also theres a beat battle going on soon and if you want to get in on it just check this link out.


P.S. Expect some BIG HITS this week.

Posted by Greeksta-69 - October 18th, 2007

Hey everyone i was just wondering what type of music you guys would like me to make? Im open for any suggestions. Ive tried Hip - Hop, R&B , Trance, Drum & Bass and now i want to try some new stuff so if you have any suggestions just reply to this post. Also if you want me to try something like Hip - Hop, Dirty south style or whatever just say whatever style of music you want too.

Thanks once again

Posted by Greeksta-69 - August 27th, 2007

Hey everyone, alright so ive been experimenting a bit with new sounds new techniques and even new genres but now im getting back to what i do best (Hip-Hop). You guys better be expecting some BIG hits from me soon so get ready.

Also thanks to all my fans for the support you guys give me and for everyone else feel free to add me as one of your favorite audio artists.

Once again thanks everyone and shout out to Zajed make sure you all check him out.

Real Muzik