
498 Audio Reviews

278 w/ Responses

pretty good

Hey man this was pretty good goes togethere nicely and has a good melody, keep these coming man and good luick on your next tracks

coMpLekS responds:

Thanks brotha. I got some new software from a friend that I'm just itchin to try. Hopefully I'll get enough time to learn it on top of school. We'll see. Thanks for the review.

- k

Pretty good

i liked this man i can tell you worked hard on it, this could be a hit man im voting you 5.

mr-freestyle1 responds:

thanks alot man, i appreciate the review

good job man

hey man this is pretty good keep making this stuff, haterz are gona go wild im gona wait later to vote you up , il let the haters hit first then give you a little hand ok? good job man keep it going


im guessing you are just learning to use fruity loops? theres alot of tutorials in the audio section that can help u out man trust me thats how i learned

BlackPlastic responds:

Ya Im am totally beginner. I just got the trial a few hours ago.

This is hot man

hey i really liked this beat man you have to make more of these, but i find the only problem is that it gets a little repetitave but i like it keep it up man good work 5/5 and a download for you

Yumbo-Yak responds:

I'll work on the repetative thing
thanx for the review

Pretty good

i kinda liked this, u should have callid it Gangster Aliens lol anyways good work man

Dog responds:

lol. Gangster Aliens. Oi, thanks for the review man, I'm glad you liked it.

Pretty good

this was pretty cool i liked the sound of it,but the singing should be steppd up a bit it kinda just sounds like karokie mabey put some echo on it or something, but pretty good i guess overall. review my audio if you have some time

Pretty good

i liked this made me wana dance, only problem it had was the sounds are over used,everybody always uses these acid sounds lol -_- anyways i liked how it blended togethere voted u a 5 and gave a dl, if you got some time review my newest beat thanks


C3NTAURI0N responds:

Thanks for the review. This is the 2008 edit of the response. I Think i'll edit all other responses like this. Sorry if they were a little unclear.

I know that the sounds of acid are over used but in 2 years (it is 2008 now) it is probably the most well known of the 'House', 'C3NTAURI0N' and possible 'Acid' pieces ever!

Thanks Again

pretty good

okay im gona do this +/- thing like everyone els lol and im gona say i dont listen this type of music but oh well

+ the start was good with those bells or whatveer they were i liked how the kept going for a while then switched up a lil

- the song takes to long to get started and its a bit repetitave because it takes to long lol

+ like all the sounds used

+ very peacefull and soft

+ good variety of sounds

- again way to repetitave

+ starting and ending come in and leave very nicely

- the dong and song.. went on for like a friging year..

and thats my review lol your welcome :P

x-kinetiK-x responds:

Most people don't like the repetitiveness (is that a word?) of it... Definitely understandable. Sometimes I get annoyed by it myself, but sometimes it lulls me into another world. Depends on my mood. :)

good job man

hey your getting better man keep it up, this is liek a horror film the haters gona go craz

killerkrem responds:

they did. they voted it 0

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